Reviews Man Plus

  • Vincenzo
    Good day. I don't really like ordering medicines on the Internet. I bought the drug Man Plus on the recommendation of a friend. The capsules are convenient to take, have a neutral taste, do not cause side effects. It helped establish sexual activity. And the penis size has increased. Very happy with the action! I will advise in case of problems in sex.
    Man Plus
  • Mimmo
    My review is dedicated to the drug that literally saved my family. I couldn't satisfy my spouse. The member was lazy, sexual intercourse could not be completed. I drank a full course of Man Plus capsules. The result exceeded all expectations. The wife is happy! She recommends sexual stamina to men.
    Man Plus
  • Ashley
    Man Plus capsules ordered last year. At that time, I lost faith in myself. Constant failures in sex have completely undermined self-confidence. Only Vixea helped restore men's health. The result was felt in the first week of hospitalization. The erection is excellent, the shape of the penis is also increased.
    Man Plus
  • Ashley
    I bought the drug Man Plus and have never regretted it. It acts in a targeted way on the problem. I had all the signs of helplessness. I drank the product according to the instructions and do not know of any problems in sex. Everything works like a clock. Sex is bright, orgasms are violent. I will definitely recommend it!
    Man Plus
  • Pietro
    Good day. I have tried many potency pills. But most importantly, I can only locate the Man Plus capsules. They not only increase the sensations, but also prolong sexual intercourse. I noticed that in the second week of use my penis visually changed. The volume and length were pleasantly pleasing.
    Man Plus
Rating Man Plus